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1Planet of the apes tag Empty Planet of the apes tag Jue Dic 15, 2011 7:14 pm


Core Official
Core Official
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]
I'm trying to use more colors in my tags but i ended up to many with too many layers and frustration lol

Estoy tratando de usar más colores en Mis etiquetas pero terminó a muchos con demasiadas capas y frustración lol

2Planet of the apes tag Empty Re: Planet of the apes tag Jue Dic 15, 2011 9:24 pm


Core Official
Core Official
very nice but the right corner is a little one
the lighting is good, I like

PD: my english is bad =(

3Planet of the apes tag Empty Re: Planet of the apes tag Jue Dic 15, 2011 11:42 pm


VIP Member
VIP Member
igual te quedo muy buena, gran resultado y la font me gusto

4Planet of the apes tag Empty Re: Planet of the apes tag Vie Dic 16, 2011 7:48 am


GC Founder
GC Founder
very consistent tone, good job ... upload the psd ..

5Planet of the apes tag Empty Re: Planet of the apes tag Vie Dic 16, 2011 3:29 pm


GC Moderador
GC Moderador
its a excelent Job!, the font good, the compo and the render are perfect

6Planet of the apes tag Empty Re: Planet of the apes tag Vie Dic 16, 2011 3:37 pm


VIP Member
VIP Member
OMG amzing text Ö
really nice bg Dx.

7Planet of the apes tag Empty Re: Planet of the apes tag Sáb Dic 17, 2011 11:36 am


Core Official
Core Official
very good,

Contenido patrocinado

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